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Aspects of Elizabethan Stratford
Life in Tudor England was much different to life today. We have listed with the asistance of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust much reference material to Elizabethan Life, Food, Flowers, Costumes, Medicine.
A Short Biography on Elizabethan Food, its Preparation and Associated Customs
- 'Elizabethan Life in Town and Country', Muriel St. Clare Byrne, 4th ed. Methuen, 1906
- 'Shakespeare and Home Life', Cumberland Clark, Williams and Norgate, 1935
- 'Life in Elizabethan England', Arthur H. Dodd, Batsford, 1964
- 'Elizabethans at Home', Lu E. Pearson, Stanford, 1957
- 'Shakespeare and Home Life', Cumberland Clark, Williams and Norgate, 1935
Food, Meals etc.
- 'Tudor Food and Pastimes: Life at Ingatestone Hall', Frederick G. Emmison, Ernest Benn, 1964
- 'A Proper Newe Booke of Cookerye', F. Frere, ed., Cambridge, 1913 (First edition 1558)
- 'Dining with William Shakespeare', Madge Lorwin, New York, Atheneum, 1976
- 'To the Queen's Taste. Elizabethan Feasts and Recipes', Lorna Sass, John Murray, 1977
- 'Elinor Fettiplace's receipt book. Elizabethan country house cooking', Hilary Spurling, Viking Salamander, 1986
- 'A Proper Newe Booke of Cookerye', F. Frere, ed., Cambridge, 1913 (First edition 1558)
- General
- 'Patterns of Fashion. The cut and construction of clothes for men and women. 1560-1620', Janet Arnold. Macmillan, 1985
- 'Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlocked', Janet Arnold, Maney, 1988
- 'Dress in the Age of Elizabeth I', Jane Ashelford, Batsford, 1988
- 'English Costume in the age of Elizabeth', Iris Brooke, A&C Black, 1950
- 'Children's costume in England from the 14th to the end of the 19th century', Phyllis Cunnington and Anne Buck, A&C Black, 1965
- 'Occupational costume in England from the 11th century to 1914', Phyllis Cunnington and Catherine Lucas, A&C Black, 1976
- 'Handbook of English costume in the 16th century', Phyllis Cunnington and C. Willett, Faber and Faber, reprinted 1962
- 'The history of underclothes', C. Willett and Phyllis Cunnington, Michael Joseph, 1951
- 'The book of costume', Millia Davenport, New York, Crown Publishers, 1948
- 'English Dress in the age of Shakespeare', Virginia La Mar, Washington, DC, Folger Shakespeare Library, 1969
- 'Costume of everyday life. An illustrated history of working clothes 900-1910', Margot Lister, Barrie and Jenkins, 1965 (1977 reprint)
- 'Costume and Fashion. Volume 3 The Tudors. Book 1 - 1485-1547; Book 2 - 1547-1603', Herbert Norris, J. M. Dent and Sons, 1938
- 'The polite world. A guide to the English manners and deportment from the 13th to the 19th century.', Joan Wildeblood and Peter brinson, Oxford University Press, 1965
- Also:'Costume: a general bibliography', Pegaret Anthony and Janet Arnold, Victoria and Albert Museum, in Association with the Costume Society, 1974
Period Stage Costume
- 'Period Costume for Stage and Screen. Patterns of women's dress, 1500-1800', Jean Hunnisett, Bell & Hyman, 1986
- 'Costume in the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries', M. Channing Linthicum, Oxford, Clarendon 1936. (This discusses fabrics and colours as well as the costume garments worn.)
- 'Renaissance Theatre Costume', Stella M. Newton, Andre Deuts, 1975
- 'Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlocked', Janet Arnold, Maney, 1988
A Short Bibliography on Elizabethan Costume
- 'Culpeper's English Physician and Complete Herbal', arranged for use by Mrs C. F. Level, Arco Publications, 1961
- 'The Plant-lore and Garden-craft of Shakespeare', Henry N. Ellacombe. Printed for the author by William Pollard, Exeter, 1878 (and reprints) - Describes all the plants mentioned by William Shakespeare and quotes his references to them.
- 'Early English Gardens and Garden Books', Ellen C. Eyler, Cornell University Press, for Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC 1963 (Golger Booklets on Tudor and Stuart Civilization)
- 'The Herbal, or General History of Plants... 1633...', as revised by Thomas Johnson. (Facsimile Edition) New York, Dover Publications, 1975
- 'The Development of Natural History in Tudor England', F. David and J. F. M. Hoeniger, University Press of Virginia, for the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC 1963. (Folger Booklets on Tudor and Stuart Civilization) This describes some of the main herbals.
- 'English Naturalists from Neckham to Ray..', Charles E. Raven, Cambridge, 1947. This includes chapters on: William Turner, John Caius, Thomas Moffet, John Gerard, John Parkinson, Thomas Johnson and others.
- 'The Olde English Gardening Books', Eleanor Sinclair Rohde, Minerva Press, 1972
- 'The Olde English Herbals', Eleanor Sinclair Rohde, Minerva Press, 1972 (First Published 1922).
- 'The Flora and Folk-lore of Shakespeare', Frederick Savage, Cheltenham, Burrow, 1923 (2nd impression, 1923, entitled Shakespeare's Flora and Folk-lore)
- 'Shakespeare's England', Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1916 (and reprints) Chapter 12: Agriculture and Gardening.
- 'William Turner: Tudor Naturalist, Physician Divine', Whitney R. D. Jones, 1988
- 'The Early Horticulturalists', Ronald Webber, Newton Abbot, 1968
- 'The Plant-lore and Garden-craft of Shakespeare', Henry N. Ellacombe. Printed for the author by William Pollard, Exeter, 1878 (and reprints) - Describes all the plants mentioned by William Shakespeare and quotes his references to them.
A Short Bibliography on Tudor Flowers and Gardens, including Herbs
- 'Sufferers and Healers. The Experience of Illness in Seventeenth Century England', Lucinda McCray Beier, 1987
- 'Doctors and Disease in Tudor Times', W. S. C. Copeman, 1960
- 'Introduction to Anatomy', 1532. Facsimile Reproduction, with English Translation, David Edwardes, Oxford, 1961
- 'Elizabethans at Home', Lu E. Pearson, Stanford, 1957
- 'Medieval and Renaissance Medicine', Benjamin Gordon, 1960
- 'Medicine and the Reformation', Ole Peter Grell and Andrew Cunningham, eds., 1993
- 'Medical Knowledge in Tudor England...An Exhibition', Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, Ca. 1932
- 'Medicine and Shakespeare in the English Renaissance', David F. Hoeniger, 1992
- 'William Turner: Tudor Naturalist, Physician Divine', Whitney R. D. Jones, 1988
- 'Mystical Bedlam: Madness, anxiety and Healing in Seventeenth Century England', Michael Macdonald, Cambridge, 1983
- 'Witchcraft and hysteria in Elizabethan London', Michael Macdonald, ed. 1991. (Includes reproduction of: A Briefe Discourse of a Disease..., Edward Jordan, 1603)
- 'Shakespeare and Medicine', Robert Simpson, Edinburgh, 1959
- 'Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine', Nancy G. Siraisi, Chicago, 1990
- 'Plague in Tudor and Stuart England', Paul Slack, 1985
- 'A Seventeenth Century Doctor and his Patients...1592-1662', John Symcotts, Luton, 1951
- 'Medicine in Medieval England', C. H. Talbot, 1967
- 'The Plague in Shakespeare's London', Frank Wilson, 1963
- 'Doctors and Disease in Tudor Times', W. S. C. Copeman, 1960
A Short Bibliography on Medical Knowledge in Tudor and Stuart Times