Chamber Music Society

c/o The Honorary Secretary, James Little
Old Schoolroom
32 Church Street
Shipston on Stour
CV36 4AP
Registered Charity No. 508874:
President: Sir William Lawrence, Bt.

The STRATFORD-UPON-AVON MUSIC SOCIETY has been promoting concerts in the town for over 40 years. As a registered charity, it engages some of the finest musicians in Britain and from further afield to perform the smaller-scale classical works of composers such as Haydn, Brahms, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert as well as more contemporary pieces, including those by Bartok and Shostakovich.

Six concerts are arranged for each year's programme and they are held on Sunday evenings in the delightful and intimate surroundings of Mason Croft, once the home of the famous Victorian novelist Marie Corelli and now part of the Birmingham University's Shakespeare Institute in Stratford.

A very friendly society, members of the audience feel more like guests at a private musical soirée. Tickets and up to date information can be obtained by telephoning 01789 295107 or 01789 740791 or see our web site Stratford Chamber Music.

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Shakespeare's Stratford on the Web / QuinSolve © / December 2005.
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